UTSA NASA MIRO Center for Advanced Measurements in Extreme Environments (CAMEE)

Undergraduate Research Program Application

Applicant Information
(it is a nine digit number, starting with "9")

Academic Information

What is the highest degree you desire to obtain?
Program Information Each Alamo Colleges student will be paired with a faculty mentor from the NASA/UTSA CENTER RESEARCH PROGRAM and participate in NASA related research being conducted in a faculty's laboratory. Once you have been selected into the program, you will be assigned a mentor and a research topic primarily based on your interest.

Personal Statements

Please answer the following questions: (maximum of 150 words required for each question)

What are your career goals?
Why do you want to participate in this program?
Why do you think that you’ll enjoy research?
Have you had any research experience in the past?
What career would you like to pursue and what steps are needed for you to attain it?
What leadership experiences do you have?
List any adversity and challenges in your program of study/academics.

Are you able to dedicate 40 hours a week for 10 weeks during the program?

If requested, are you able to dedicate some evenings and /or weekends over the 10-week period to the research project?

Have you been admitted to a 4 year institution for the upcoming Summer/Fall or in the past?

Please review the links and select three (3) research areas that may interest you. Please enter your selection and the topic(s) below.

F1. Polar Sea Ice and Sea Level Rise
F2. Gulf of Mexico and Polar Oceans
F3. Atmospheric Science and Extreme Events
F4. Aerodynamics
F5. Modeling, Simulation, and Big Data

Research Area 1:

Research Area 2:

Research Area 3:

Please list the name and email address of two (2) individuals who will serve as a reference for you. These individuals should be math, science (non-medical), engineering, or technology professors or teachers who know you well and who are familiar with your academic performance career goals.


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